magic monday

I’m so excited to share this magic moment for my monday linky with the olivers mad house!

I did it, I’m chuffed to bits, over the moon, away with the fairies………………………….

I did my 10K in under 60 minute’s! Ok so at 59:24 only just, but that is so cool for me! On the downside I didn’t beat the hubster, he clocked in at 53 seconds, but hey you can’t win em all! So mumma poppit is still running, and even starting to shift some of my rhino butt. Yay!

56 thoughts on “magic monday

  1. Way to go! You have no idea how envious of you I am right now; I need to get back into running. You say you have rhino butt? I must have rhino GUT, and I want to get rid of it! Any pointers for new’ish runners?

    • thanks, and I have tons of pointers! I am a newbie really and advice I’ve always had is run nice and slow, gradually increase your distances and over time your pace will pick up. It’s really nice if you can have a friend with you, but if it’s not possible have a good old chat with yourself! (I do and it helps to regulate my breathing or I go into panic mode!) I love running cos it tones everything so if your lazy like me you don’t have to do loadsa tummy crunches! I have found it’s been ace for my gut and butt! lol Teresa. xxxxxx

  2. Super fabulous!!! And I don’t know if I’ve said this yet, but I’ve been thinking it: You REALLY don’t look like you need to worry about your figure. You look amazing!!! 🙂

  3. If you don’t slow down, I’m going to have to stop following your blog. I consider a walk to the corner shops good exercise! Oh well, I suppose by now I should be used to having it pointed out what an underachiever I am. I’ll just think of you as my karmic counterpart and when you post about your achievements I’ll spend the day on my couch with a good book to keep the world in balance 🙂

    Congratulations on achieving such incredible results in such a short time.

    • aww thanks Laura, you do make me laugh! I will think of you on your couch next time I’m running and will be wishing I was with you! ps, you are so not an underachiever, hello-honey, veg, garden to die for, Oh and we can’t forget the fudge! hmmmm …..! xxx

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